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Bibliography by date

Wood, Alexandra, Micah Altman, Kobbi Nissim, and Salil Vadhan. 2021. “Designing Access with Differential Privacy.” In Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-Based Policy, edited by Shawn Cole, Iqbal Dhaliwal, Anja Sautmann, and Lars Vilhuber. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.
Weinberg, Daniel H., John M. Abowd, Robert F. Belli, Noel Cressie, David C. Folch, Scott H. Holan, Margaret C. Levenstein, et al. 2018. “EFFECTS OF A GOVERNMENT-ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIP: HAS THE NSF-CENSUS BUREAU RESEARCH NETWORK HELPED IMPROVE THE US STATISTICAL SYSTEM?” Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
Vilhuber, Lars, James Turitto, and Keesler Welch. 2020. “Report by the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 110 (May):764–75.
Vilhuber, Lars, Marie Connolly, Miklós Koren, Joan Llull, and Peter Morrow. 2022. “A Template README for Social Science Replication Packages.” v1.1.0. Zenodo.
Vilhuber, Lars, Hyuk Harry Son, Meredith Welch, David N. Wasser, and Michael Darisse. 2022. “Teaching for Large-Scale Reproducibility Verification.” Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education 30 (3): 274–81.
Vilhuber, Lars, Michael Darisse, Sofia Encarnación, Leonel Borja Plaza, Hyuk Son, Linda Wang, David Wasser, and Meredith Welch. 2024. “Training Manual For Reproducibility Verification.” 2024.
Vilhuber, Lars, Hyuk Harry Son, Meredith Welch, David N. Wasser, and Michael Darisse. 2022. “Teaching for Large-Scale Reproducibility Verification.” 2204.01540v1. arXiv.
Vilhuber, Lars, Hyuk Son, Meredith Welch, and David Wasser. 2021. “TRAINING For Reproducibility Verification.” 2021.
Vilhuber, Lars, John M. Abowd, and Jerome P. Reiter. 2016. “Synthetic Establishment Microdata around the World.” Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics 32 (1): 65–68.
Vilhuber, Lars, Saki Kinney, and Ian Schmutte. 2017. “Proceedings from the Synthetic LBD International Seminar.” Document 44. Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars, Ian M. Schmutte, and and John M. Abowd. 2017. “Proceedings from the 2016 NSF–Sloan Workshop on Practical Privacy.” In 016 NSF–Sloan Workshop on Practical Privacy. Cornell University Labor Dynamics Institute Document.
Vilhuber, Lars, John M. Abowd, and Ian M. Schmutte. 2017. “Replication Materials for Disclosure Limitation and Confidentality Protection in Linked Data.”
Vilhuber, Lars, and Ian Schmutte. 2017. “Proceedings from the 2016 NSF-Sloan Workshop on Practical Privacy.” Document 33. Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Ian Schmutte. 2017. “Proceedings from the 2017 Cornell-Census-NSF-Sloan Workshop on Practical Privacy.” Document 43. Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Kevin McKinney. 2014. “LEHD Infrastructure Files in the Census RDC - Overview.” 14–26. Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Carl Lagoze. 2017. “Making Confidential Data Part of Reproducible Research.” Document 41. Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Carl Lagoze. 2019. “Presentation: Metajelo, a Metadata Package for Journals to Support External Linked Objects.” Presented at the IDCC, Melbourne, Australia, February 5.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Carl Lagoze. 2019. “Presentation: Metajelo, a Metadata Package for Journals to Support External Linked Objects.” Presented at the North American DDI Conference, Ottawa, Canada, April 24.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Carl Lagoze. 2019. “Presentation: Metajelo, a Metadata Package for Journals to Support External Linked Objects.” Zenodo, February.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Warren Brown. 2017. “INFO7470 - Understanding Social and Economic Data.” INFO7470. 2017.
Vilhuber, Lars, and William Block. 2019. “Outcomes Report | Cornell Node of the NSF-Census Research Network.” Report.
Vilhuber, Lars, and Melissa Bjelland. 2020. Labordynamicsinstitute/Readin_qcew_sas: A Sequence of Programs to Readin in QCEW Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor Dynamics Institute, Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars, and John Abowd. 2016. “Usage and Outcomes of the Synthetic Data Server.” Presentation presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2025. “Report of the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings, May.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2021. “Report by the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 111 (May):808–17.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2020. “Migrating Historical AEA Supplements.” Release v20200515. Cornell University.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2020. “Reproducibility and Replicability in Economics.” Harvard Data Science Review 2 (4).
Vilhuber, Lars. 2023. “Reproducibility and Transparency versus Privacy and Confidentiality: Reflections from a Data Editor.” Journal of Econometrics 235 (2): 2285–94.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2019. “Making Confidential Data Part of Reproducible Research.” In Methods to Foster Transparency and Reproducibility of Federal Statistics: Proceedings of a Workshop, edited by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 63–66. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2024. “Report of the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 114 (May):878–90.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2023. “Report of the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 113 (May):850–63.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2022. “Report by the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 112 (May):813–23.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2019. “Report by the AEA Data Editor.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 109 (May):718–29.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2024. “Protecting Confidential Data through Non-Statistical Methods.” In Handbook of Sharing Confidential Data: Differential Privacy, Secure Multiparty Computation, and Synthetic Data, edited by Jörg Drechsler, Daniel Kifer, Jerome P Reiter, and Aleksandra Slavković, First edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2023. “Reproducibility and Transparency versus Privacy and Confidentiality: Reflections from a Data Editor.” Submitted version 2305.14478. arXiv.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2018. “Issues with Unpaywall in Economics.” Labor Dynamics Institute.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2022. “Reproducibility and Transparency versus Privacy and Confidentiality: Reflections from a Data Editor.” Presented at the Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting (ASSA), Virtual, January 9.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2013. “Methods for Protecting the Confidentiality of Firm-Level Data: Issues and Solutions.” 19. Labor Dynamics Institute.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2018. “Relaunching the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality.” Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 8 (1).
Vilhuber, Lars. 2009. “Adjusting Imperfect Data: Overview and Case Studies.” In The Structure of Wages: An International Comparison, edited by Edward P. Lazear and Kathryn L. Shaw, 59–80. University of Chicago Press / National Bureau of Economic Research.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2020. “Data for: Requesting Replication Materials via Email.” Labor Dynamics Institute. Zenodo.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2018. “Computational Tools for Social Scientists Workshop.” 2018.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2018. “Larsvilhuber/Clone-Chetty-Use-Admin-Data: Data behind the Chetty (2012) Figure on Time Trends in the Use of Administrative Data,” October.
Vilhuber, Lars. 2017. Labordynamicsinstitute/Rampnoise: Code for Multiplicative Noise Infusion.
Slavković, Aleksandra, and Lars Vilhuber. 2018. “Remembering Stephen Fienberg.” Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 8 (1).
Simmer, Charles, Ben Perry, Brandon Elam Barker, Lars Vilhuber, and Kyle Brumsted. 2018. “Ncrncornell/Ced2ar:,” February.
Silverstein, Priya, Colin Elman, Amanda Montoya, Barbara McGillivray, Charlotte Rebecca Pennington, Chase H. Harrison, Crystal N. Steltenpohl, et al. 2024. “A Guide for Social Science Journal Editors on Easing into Open Science.” Research Integrity and Peer Review 9 (2).
Shen, Jim, and Lars Vilhuber. 2021. “Physically Protecting Sensitive Data.” In Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-Based Policy, edited by Shawn Cole, Iqbal Dhaliwal, Anja Sautmann, and Lars Vilhuber, 37–84. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.
Sexton, William, John M. Abowd, Ian M. Schmutte, and Lars Vilhuber. 2017. Synthetic Population Housing and Person Records for the United States. ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research.

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